April 7, 2011

First Stop Niagara Falls

Before writing any posts on how sad I feel to be moving away from everything I know and love, I wanted to start with some happy shots from our first family adventure. To split up our drive into two days, Drew looked for somewhere special to stay.  We knew it was going to be an emotional drive and we were hoping a "carrot" at the end of it might give the kids (and us) something else to focus on.  It ended up being the perfect call.  We stayed in a beautiful hotel overlooking Niagara Falls, on the Canadian side. The border patrol was perfectly scary as he slowly reviewed our passports and asked us to remove our sunglasses, adding great drama to the experience. The hotel was as amazing as its pictures online.   Though the town felt a bit like Gatlinburg with its casinos and souvenir shops, what was authentic was the closeness in this first picture.  The day was exhausting, and emotional, and not without its tense moments. But we're doing it. Bit by bit. Together.  I so appreciated the kids' attitudes and fearlessness and love for each other -- no small thing today.  

The first of many family moments in this adventure...

Kind Canadians gave us a premium (and free!) upgrade to help make up for our family's difficult day.  Those are the United States falls you see behind Seth through our bedroom window.

What's a trip to Niagara Falls without the staged "I'm falling!" shot?   Leave it to Sydney.

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